Wondering when your bus will arrive?
For important information about major changes like detours, schedule changes, fare information, and more, make a Rider Alert account at https://foothill.rideralerts.com/myStop/AgencyAccount/Register. You can subscribe to get emails or text messages about your favorite bus lines.
Want to know if your bus is running on time? If you’re on your phone, this website can use your location to tell you about your closest stop. Or you can visit the schedule page for your bus line for an interactive map that shows you all the buses in service. Click on any bus stop to see when the next bus will arrive.
If you prefer an app, we share our data for anyone to use, so you can find us on apps like myStop, the Transit app, or even Google Maps.
If you’re at a bus stop, you’ll see the bus stop ID on the bus stop sign. You can text FT and your bus stop ID to 321123 to get the next bus arrival by text. For example, if your bus stop ID is 1234, text “FT 1234”.
Finally, you can call 800-RIDE-INFO for information about your bus.